Niche-Specific Headline

“How {company name} Went From {state 1} to {state 2} in {Timeframe} Using {Vehicle}”

“How to go from {State 1} to {State 2} in {Timeframe} Using {Vehicle} without {old way}”

Proof (Establish Credibility)

  1. Here's an example of how {client} went from {state 1 + evidence} to {state 2 + evidence} in {timeframe} - list picture, video, or source.
  2. Here's an example of how {client} went from {state 1 + evidence} to {state 2 + evidence} in {timeframe} - list picture, video, or source.
  3. Here's an example of how {client} went from {state 1 + evidence} to {state 2 + evidence} in {timeframe} - list picture, video, or source.

Who This Is For?

Now, who is this for? If you are trying to {achieve business desire}, {achieve business desire}, and ultimately {achieve personal desire}, then I suggest you pay attention.

On top of that, if you are worried about {fear}, weary of {suspicion}, or that {fear or suspicion} will happen...then stick around.

If you are pissed off that you {failure}, had {failure} happen in the past, or that {enemy} is going to do {fear} again, I'd also keep reading.

If you hate {enemy}, have tried {failure}, or have been noticing the massive shift in {market trend}, then this for you.